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Oaxxanda Celebration

<?php echo 'Oaxxanda Cooperative, which has been organizing since 2020 around land ownership is beyond excited to announce our acquisition of 10 acres in Berry Creek, CA! Invited to this community from a neighbor, we are excited to be a part of 40+ acres of land in the hands of black and indigenous people in the area.

Oaxxanda’s vision is securing land sovereignty for black and indigenous community members and grounding creatives by providing cooperatively held space. We have a business model that provides a low cost entry into land stewardship. Oakland community members will be able co-steward and conserve/repair the land.
We’re hosting a party and building our interest list – sign up today!

What is a Land Co-op?

Land cooperatives, often abbreviated as land co-ops, are collective ownership models where a group of individuals or organizations come together to collectively own and manage a piece of land. In a land cooperative, each member typically holds a share or membership interest in the cooperative, which grants them certain rights and responsibilities related to the land.

Land co-ops can serve various purposes and goals, including:

  1. Land Stewardship: Land co-ops strive to promote sustainable and responsible land management practices. Members work together to conserve and protect the land, considering environmental, social, and cultural factors.
  2. Access to Land: Land co-ops provide opportunities for individuals or groups who may not have the means to individually acquire or maintain land ownership. By pooling resources and sharing costs, members can collectively own the land and benefit from its use.
  3. Community Development: Land co-ops can be powerful tools for community development and empowerment. They create avenues for collaboration, shared decision-making, and collective action, fostering stronger community bonds.
  4. Land Sovereignty: Some land co-ops focus on securing land sovereignty for marginalized communities, such as indigenous people or historically disenfranchised groups. By collectively owning and managing the land, they aim to regain control over their ancestral territories or establish alternative models of land ownership.
  5. Affordable Housing: Land co-ops can also be used to address housing affordability issues. By combining land ownership with cooperative housing models, members can create and maintain affordable housing options for themselves and their communities.

Overall, land co-ops offer an alternative approach to land ownership and management that emphasizes collective action, sustainability, and community empowerment. They provide opportunities to reimagine land use and create more equitable and inclusive models of land ownership.